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Recruitment and employer support

ATIVAR+ Internships

The ATIVAR+ Internships consist of nine month long, non-renewable internships that are partially funded by the IEFP (Instituto de Emprego e Formação Profissional), with the aim of integrating young people in the labor force and of reconverting unemployed individuals back into the labor market.

The internships are partially funded by the IEFP:
  • Payment of a portion of the internship allowance. The percentage of the allowance paid by the IEFP varies, based on several criteria (you can find these specified in the following page, under the heading "Apoios às Entidades Promotoras”);
  • Payment of the food allowance;
  • Payment of work insurance;
  • Payment of transport costs (when applicable).

If the company signs a permanent work contract with the intern within a maximum period of 20 working days from the end of the internship, it will be entitled to an extra employment bonus (Prémio ao Emprego).


The companies that intend to benefit from these internships must be compliant with the current legal and regulatory obligations to which they are bound, including those of a fiscal and contributive nature.

How to obtain

The application can be submitted directly from the IEFP portal and by following the steps detailed in the following page  (under the heading Candidatura).

The opening and closing periods for these applications run on an annual basis and are defined by the IEFP.

Learn more

For more information regarding the ATIVAR+ internships, please visit IEFP’s website.