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Funding programmes

Portugal Events

The programme, endowed with a budget of 10 million euros, is designed to provide support for events held in Portugal. Covering the entirety of the national territory, this incentive scheme initiated by Turismo de Portugal targets events that, by virtue of their positioning and prominence, contribute to generating territorial dynamism, diversifying the tourist experience, and fostering dispersion in both space and time.

These events are expected to stimulate local economies, particularly in Low Density Territories, or enhance the international visibility of the country and its regions. Eligible events include those associated with the development of strategic tourism products (Strategic Tourism Events), as well as association or corporate events not firmly established in the local event calendar, such as congresses, seminars, or meetings.

The financial assistance offered has a maximum cap of 250,000 euros for Strategic Tourism Events and 50,000 euros for all other events. Additionally, exists a 25% increase applicable to events held in Low Density Territories or during the winter, regardless of the event type.


Eligible beneficiaries of this programme include companies that possess the rights to organize the events submitted to the programme, companies primarily engaged in event organization, foreign companies meeting the aforementioned criteria and holding a Portuguese VAT number, as well as associations.

To apply, the following criteria must be met:
  • Be legally constituted entities.
  • Possess or ensure the availability of physical, human, material, and financial resources required for organizing and executing the event.
  • Have a regularized status regarding debts and contributions with the tax administration, social security, and Turismo de Portugal, IP.
  • Maintain organized accounting in compliance with applicable laws.
  • If a company, the beneficiary must:
    - Maintain a positive net worth as of December 31, 2019, or demonstrate the attainment of one by the application date (presentation of an interim balance sheet verified by a certified accountant is obligatory).
    - Not qualify as an "undertaking in difficulty" in accordance with the definition outlined in Article 2 of Regulation (EU) No. 651/2014 dated June 16, 2014.
  • Not have incurred administrative or judicial penalties within the two years preceding the application date for employing undeclared labor, resulting in tax and social security contribution liabilities, as per Portuguese law.
  • Not have been convicted by a final judgment within the two years preceding the application date for unlawfully dismissing pregnant women, recent mothers, or breastfeeding mothers.

How to obtain

By accessing the following link, you will able the consulte all the documentation:

Learn more

For more information, please visit Turismo de Portugal