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Banco Português de Fomento

Banco Português de Fomento (BPF) is the Portuguese promotional bank (national promotional bank), an institution resulting from the merger in November 2020 of three leading institutions operating within the mission of supporting Portuguese SMEs that aim to achieve innovative solutions for national and international projects, promote sustainability and economic development.

Experience and Uniqueness
BPF is focusing its activities on five key areas of the Portuguese economy:
1) Financing SMEs: specifically SMEs and mid-caps, but also large corporations under specific circumstances
2) Innovation Projects: digital transformation, entrepreneurship, and innovation
3) Green Finance: sustainable infrastructures, transport, carbon neutrality
4) Social Impact: healthcare, long-term care, education, and social housing
5) Infrastructure: national and local investment projects

It is expected that BPF will reach its main goals to:
- Support economic development by offering innovative solutions under the same conditions as those offered by leading institutions on the international market;
- Promote the modernisation of companies, enabling entrepreneurship, research and investigation, investment, and job creation;
- Promote business sustainability and economic, social, and territorial cohesion in Portugal.

As of the end of 2021, BPF had 9.800.000.000 € of AUM (assets under management) and supported almost 88,000 SMEs. BPF is the General Partner of FdCR (Fundo de Capitalização e Resiliência) - an 1.300.000.000 € fund aimed to invest in companies through equity and quasi-equity instruments.

Typical Customer
- Portuguese companies
- Small and medium enterprises
- Mid cap companies
- Large cap companies
- All business sectors

Rua Professor Mota Pinto, n.º 42-F, 2.º Andar, Entrada 2.11, 4100-353 Porto

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