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Francisco Sá Carneiro Airport recognized among the best at European level

Francisco Sá Carneiro Airport recognized among the best at European level
28 Oct 2021
Porto Airport was distinguished in the category "10-25 million passengers" per year by Airports Council International Europe.

Airports Council International (ACI) Europe, the entity that represents airport operators on the European continent, distinguished Porto Airport in terms of "sustainability, digitization and passenger experience" in the category "10-25 million passengers" per year.

In a ceremony that took place in Geneva, Switzerland, ACI Europe awarded the prizes corresponding to the 17th edition of the Best Airport Awards. And Porto Airport deserved an honorable mention, being "highly recommended" in the category "10-25 million passengers" per year. The prize in this class went to Vnukovo Airport in Moscow, Russia.

The Best Airport Awards "recognise excellence and extraordinary achievements across airport activities. The 17th edition of the awards devoted special attention to the various ways in which airports responded and innovated during the Covid-19 pandemic, keeping the focus on sustainability objectives of the air transport industry”, stresses the organization.

ACI Europe represents more than 500 airports in 46 European countries, which are responsible for more than 90% of commercial flights in Europe: in 2019 they registered 25.7 million air movements, carrying 2,500 million passengers and 20.7 million tons of cargo.