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InvestPorto wins bid to URBACT III

InvestPorto wins bid to URBACT III
31 May 2016
Porto City Council, through InvestPorto, is one of the partners of the Project In Focus - Smart Specialization Strategy at City Level, which was approved today by the URBACT Monitoring Committee, thus initiating now the implementation phase, which will run until April 2018.

This project aims to develop a action plan for smart specialization in cities through a consistent and comprehensive approach based on the development of key themes and trends, such as cluster-based segmentation, talent management, marketing and territorial branding, and new urban working spaces.

In Focus, which has as its lead partner the city of Bilbao, also includes the cities / regions of Torino, Plasencia, Bucharest, Ostrava, Bielsko-Biala, Frankfurt, Grenoble-Alpes and Bordeaux, with the leading expert Miguel Rivas and the ad-hoc expert Willem van Winden.