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Porto's market continues to attract more and more foreign investment

Porto's market continues to attract more and more foreign investment
Diário Imobiliário · 22 Nov 2021
The growing number of new companies and offices in the city of Porto and in the Greater Porto region allowed the placement of 33,766 m² by the closure of the third quarter, in a total of 39 registered operations.

According to the OnOffice Market Report of the northern consultancy firm Predibisa, the growing number of new companies and offices in the city of Porto and the Greater Porto region allowed the closure of the third quarter with a total of 33,766 m² placed, in a total of 39 registered operations, with the dynamics of the last three months having a great impact on the volume of absorbed area (61% of the total area). The reality observed in August and September (the best months of the year in terms of area absorption so far) predicts an equally dynamic last quarter, even though the total accumulated is lower when compared to 2020, more specifically by 13%.

Regarding the areas with more demand, the trends remain in line with the last periods of analysis, with the city of Porto consolidating the largest status, subdivided into five main areas: Baixa; Boavista; Oriental; other Porto and ZEP, followed by Matosinhos, Maia, Vila Nova de Gaia and "out of town". It should be noted that half of the transactions registered during this year regard the CBD Boavista area, which had high levels of demand. Regarding the larger transactions registered between January and September, four operations with areas larger than 3,000 m² stand out, three of which were originated in August and September.

According to the consultant, the main reason that keeps motivating the demand for new office space in Greater Porto is related to the growth of companies and the organizations’ need for expansion, which represent 40% of the area absorbed and 9 operations. Thus, Porto continues to be an attractive market and receives more and more foreign investment, having registered 15 operations related to the arrival of new players in the region, which translates into more than 1/3 of the total placed area. And, finally, moving premises is also responsible for 15 operations and 26% of the absorbed area, with 8,736 m² placed.