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Porto stands out in attracting community funds from Portugal 2020

Porto stands out in attracting community funds from Portugal 2020
11 Nov 2021
With the northern region accounting for about 40% of the support granted under the Cohesion Policy, the municipality has been having a proactive behavior in the preparation of projects prone to receive funding. The execution rate is higher than the national average.

The municipalities of the Northern region captured about 40% of Portugal 2020 funds, and one-sixth of the 1400 million euros approved until June were absorbed by the municipalities of Porto, Matosinhos, Braga and Vila Nova de Gaia.

These, which are the most populous municipalities in the region, are also the ones that can be associated with almost one-sixth of the allocated support. Porto led the way, with the capture of 64 million euros in the period under review, according to the publication "Norte UE Dinâmicas dos Fundos Estruturais na Região do Norte”, launched on Thursday by the Commission for Coordination and Regional Development of the North (CCDR-N) and cited by Lusa agency.

On the sidelines of the tribute to the city athletes who won medals in the European Championships for Athletes with Trisomy 21, the President of Porto City Council, Rui Moreira, highlighted the proactive attitude of the municipality in the preparation of projects that can be funded, highlighting the restoration of the Bolhão Market and the AIIA program - Integrated Approach to Active Inclusion, which promotes social inclusion of young people in disadvantaged communities, as good examples of the use of community funds.

Matosinhos (57 million), Braga (56) and Vila Nova de Gaia (50) contributed to North having the largest share of support, about 40% of the national amount allocated under the Cohesion Policy, which reached 3500 million euros by June 30.

The CCDR-N report also reveals that about 60% of this amount is concentrated in the field of Sustainability and efficiency in the use of resources in areas ranging from urban rehabilitation (21%), education infrastructure (14%), sustainable urban mobility (13%) and the urban water cycle (12%).

Of the amount approved in the North for municipal operations, about 56% was executed by June 30, 2021, a figure that exceeds the national average of 54%.

Since the start of the Community Framework, in 2014, more than 1.4 billion euros have been allocated to the city for strategic works, but also to support companies or training.