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QSP Summit is back to discuss growth and sustainability

QSP Summit is back to discuss growth and sustainability
Porto. · 24 Feb 2022
Under the theme "Building Sustainable Growth", the QSP Summit returns between the 28th and 30th of June. The opening ceremony is scheduled for Teatro Rivoli.

Fareed Zakaria, CNN journalist, is the keynote speaker of this 15th edition of one of the largest marketing conferences in Europe. Named one of the 10 thinkers of the decade in Foreign Policy's "Top 100 Global Thinkers", Fareed Zakaria comes to the QSP Summit for two moments: on the main stage he will address the most effective ways to stimulate development and build sustainable growth; in a second moment, in the Thinkers Hall, the journalist will reflect on the consequences and evolutionary impact in the post-pandemic world.

The opening ceremony will take place on June 28th, at Teatro Municipal do Porto - Rivoli, and this year will be open to all participants, although with limited capacity. The event remains at Exponor, in Matosinhos, on 29th and 30th June.

More than three thousand participants and over 140 brands are expected for the event that promises to bring together the world's best thinkers and present tools to guide boards and companies to achieve a balance between growth and sustainability, in the short, medium and long term, in its multiple dimensions - social, economic, environmental, technological and cultural.

More information available on the event's page.