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Tenders to occupy 28 vacant spaces at the Bolhão Market are starting today

Tenders to occupy 28 vacant spaces at the Bolhão Market are starting today
Porto. · 25 Jan 2022
On this Tuesday, January 25, the new tenders started for the allocation of 28 spaces that are still vacant in Mercado do Bolhão, divided between 16 stalls inside the market, three restaurants (also inside) and nine stores outside.

Launched by the municipal company GO Porto - Gestão e Obras do Porto, the tenders will take place in two stages. In the first stage, "Application and Qualification", with the submission of the application, the experience of the candidates will be verified and their respective qualification documents will be examined. The deadline is February 14th.

Later, in the "Public Bidding" phase, all candidates that demonstrate the referred experience will be invited to participate in the public auction, as bidders, in order to bid for the spaces in the competition.

The 16 still free stalls correspond to 11 categories: Sugar; Seaweed and Mushrooms; Coffee and Cafeterias; Meat and Poultry; Tea and Coffee; Fruit; Pasta, Seasonings, Spices and Condiments; Eggs and Dairy Products; Fresh Fish and Seafood; Natural and Dietary Products; Vegetables, Roots and Plants; and Grains and Pulses. The base value per square meter is 16 euros.

There are also three restaurants to be awarded per contest: one in the Raw category, another in the Vegetarian category, and a third in the Tapas and Snacks category. The restaurants have a base value per square meter of 12 euros, with minimum base bid values between 1030.80 and 2512.80 euros.

The nine stores outside the market are part of the "Free" food category, but without confection and not competitive with the existing ones (Olive Oil, Codfish and Teas). The base value per square meter is variable, but the minimum basic bid values range from 2735 to 6037,46 euros.

See the call for tenders and detailed information here.