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The news is on the streets: Critical TechWorks wants to recruit 400 employees by the end of the year

The news is on the streets: Critical TechWorks wants to recruit 400 employees by the end of the year
Porto. · 20 Apr 2022
The joint venture between the German group BMW and the Portuguese Critical Software has 400 vacancies to fill, including in Porto, where it has been established since 2018.

Doing justice to the company's work in the mobility of the future, the recruitment advertisement for 400 Critical TechWorks staff is anything but static: it is through a fleet of ten Mini cars with custom decorations that the campaign makes known the open opportunities.

The vehicles will be driven, from north to south of the country, by Critical TechWorks employees, explained to the online economic newspaper ECO the Marketing and Communication Director of Critical TechWorks, Susete Ferreira.

"The campaigns only make sense if they are lived by our employees, which is why these cars are in the hands of those who can best explain to the interested parties what they can find of innovative and attractive in Critical TechWorks", said the responsible, underlining the company's goal of "attracting ambitious talent".