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Wunderman Thompson arrives in Porto and is looking for the best talent in the North

Wunderman Thompson arrives in Porto and is looking for the best talent in the North
05 Apr 2022
After opening its E-Commerce Centre of Excellence in Lisbon, Wunderman Thompson, technology consultant and creative agency for the WPP group, has now announced its arrival in Porto. This Centre already has 40 employees and this expansion to the north of the country will create new opportunities for growth for the agency. 

This new Wunderman Thompson office will allow greater proximity to the agency's employees living in the Greater Porto area and reinforce the company's focus on attracting talent in the areas of engineering and technology that exists in this part of the country. Among the objectives of this expansion is also the strategy of proximity to the main universities of Porto, which will allow a gateway for recent graduates in a global project.

Remember that Wunderman Thompson announced, at the end of last year, the choice of Portugal to implement the largest E-Commerce Centre of Excellence in Europe, a strategic bet of the agency that continues to look for the best talents in the areas of information systems engineering, data science and business processes. In addition to this, the company also has a Wunderman Thompson Global Centre of Excellence in Marketing Automation and Personalisation (MAP), opened in 2020 in Portugal, and which already has a large team of over 100 employees. 

These two Centres of Excellence together, unique in Portugal, expect to hire over 200 employees by the end of 2022, namely in areas of information systems engineering, data science and business processes.

Filipe Silva, leader of Wunderman Thompson Commerce in Portugal and responsible for the strategic leadership in the Portuguese market, states that "the great pillar of our expansion to Porto is people - it's the talent of the North! And we want, with this new office, to shape employees' work experiences to attract, retain and develop the best professionals. For us Porto is full of talented people who share the vision we want for our Centre of Excellence”. 

Nuno Santos, CEO of Wunderman Thompson, states that "the new Porto office will allow our teams to be closer to our clients and other brands that want the best integrated e-commerce, automation and business to business services".

Wunderman Thompson Commerce currently has a diverse team of over 1700 e-commerce specialists in more than 20 offices worldwide, and works with leading brands such as Nestlé, MAC Cosmetics, Shell, Tiffany & Co, Bosch, Selfridges, Johnson & Johnson.