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InvestPorto’s B2B Marketplace is open to all local companies that provide relevant business services for investors and companies setting up in our region.

To become a marketplace member start by filling out the onboarding form available below.

Be specific in your answers and highlight the experience, value, and uniqueness of the services provided by your company. Your application will be assessed by InvestPorto in light of the following criteria (in order to be approved, companies must comply with each criteria):

  • Legitimacy and reputation: companies must provide a correct VAT number and company legal name. Legitimacy of the submitted information and additional checks on the company and its activity will also be done based on public information;
  • Service profile: the scope of services of an applying company must fit in the categories of the B2B Marketplace;
  • Address in Greater Porto: companies must provide a commercial address to attend/meet clients in the city of Porto or in the Greater Porto area/Porto metropolitan area. Companies unable to provide this address might also be considered, should they possess a portfolio of clients based in the city of Porto;
  • Vocation for international clients: companies must be able to provide their services at least in Portuguese and in English. References to portfolios of international clients and export markets might also be assessed;
  • Compliance: companies must not have any recent, relevant judicial incidents and must have a compliant status with the Tax Authority and Social Security;
  • Economic-financial risk: companies must not have a high economic-financial risk, which is assessed through a credit rating score provided by an external database.

For more information regarding the B2B Marketplace onboarding procedure, please visit the following page.
Describe your business
What country is the company originally from? *
Describe your service offer
Which types of services does your company offer to clients? *
Which industries and sectors is your company expert in? *
Which languages does your company support? *
Which markets (regions and countries) does your company target? *
Company contacts for potencial costumers Personal contacts for marketplace onboarding
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