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Zühlke Engineering

Zühlke is a global innovation service provider. We envisage ideas and create new business models for our clients by developing services and products based on new technologies – from the initial vision through development to deployment, production and operation.

Experience and Uniqueness
We believe that innovation and technology are a positive force of change for business and society. We support our clients to envision and create a sustainable future. Since 1968 we support companies leverage the power of innovation and technology.

Typical Customer
Our 1,300 employees are based in Austria, Bulgaria, Germany, Hong Kong, Portugal, Serbia, Singapore, Switzerland, the United Kingdom and Vietnam, serving clients from a wide range of industries. In addition, our venture capital arm Zühlke Ventures provides start-up financing in the high-tech sector.

Rua Júlio Dinis 826 4050-322 Porto

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