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Adapttech, a biomedicine start-up from Porto, raised €2.7M in a round of investment

Adapttech, a biomedicine start-up from Porto, raised €2.7M in a round of investment
Dinheiro Vivo · 06 May 2022
Adapttech, biomedical start-up graduated from UPTEC (Science and Technology Park of the University of Porto) and whose office is located in the city of Porto, has the mission of introducing new intelligent technologies to increase the quality of life of people with physical limitations. 

According to Dinheiro Vivo, the Portuguese innovation company raised an additional 2.7 million euros in the new funding round, in which Bionova Capital (the first investor in Adapttech) and the British Mercia Asset Management, Angel CoFund, Wren Capital and Wealth Club also participated. 

Bionova Capital clarifies in a statement that "this new investment round will allow Adapttech to expand its INSIGHT system, a certified medical device that allows the correct fitting of lower limb prostheses to residual limbs, thus increasing mobility and quality of life for these patients." 

Frederico Carpinteiro, CEO of Adapttech points out that the launch of a "new product line is to meet the needs of customers who want a simpler system with reduced costs." Adapttech keeps its focus on acquiring international customers and increasing sales and production processes on a global scale.

Dinheiro Vivo also mentions that the start-up founded in Porto in 2016 has already expanded to the UK and USA, intending to go further. Ricardo Perdigão Henriques, CEO of Bionova concludes that "this new product line from Adapttech comes to strengthen its trajectory towards the leadership of this area worldwide, with smart technologies that improve mobility and quality of life of amputees around the world."