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Bosch signs a 10 million investment agreement in Porto for a 4.0 project involving 70 engineers

In a partnership between industry and academia, the German group, the University of Porto and the International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory (INL), will launch an innovation project that aims to bring artificial intelligence to factories.

Bosch signs a 10 million investment agreement in Porto for a 4.0 project involving 70 engineers
Jornal de Negócios · 20 Jul 2023
The new joint innovation project between Bosch and the University of Porto, which also involves the International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory (INL) from Braga, is called "Sensitive Industry" and aims to develop new artificial intelligence solutions and technologies for application in industrial manufacturing, with the aim of improving efficiency, quality and production cost.

The project will be presented this Thursday, 20 July, at the University of Porto, during the contract signing ceremony for the project by AICEP - Agency for Investment and Foreign Trade of Portugal.

"Representing an investment of around 10 million euros, supported by funds from Compete and Portugal 2020, to be applied until 2025, this new project will integrate a team of 70 engineers and researchers from Bosch, the University of Porto and the International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory", says the University of Porto, in a statement.

Present since 1911 in Portugal, where it has factories in Braga, Ovar and Aveiro, plus a service centre in Lisbon, Bosch Portugal employs more than 6,600 people, closed last year with a turnover of more than two billion euros and plans to invest another 200 million euros this year in our country.
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