Dissertation on attracting international talent to the city distinguished with Porto Economy Award.

· 08 Apr 2022
Faced with the reality that qualified work is becoming increasingly mobile, Rui Azevedo focused on the need for good management of attraction, facilitation and incorporation of international talent in the city. In its first edition, the Porto Economics Prize, launched by the Municipality, distinguished the Master's dissertation of the student of the Faculty of Economics of the University of Porto (FEP) with the awarding of 1,500 euros.
The winner of the competition had the opportunity to present the work "Collective actions to attract, facilitate and incorporate international talent in the city of Porto" in the ceremony that took place this Thursday afternoon, April 7, at the Porto Innovation Hub, and where the Councillor for Economy, Employment and Entrepreneurship, Ricardo Valente, was present.
Rui Azevedo's Master's dissertation in International Economics and Management analysed two municipal projects - Porto. for talent and Study in Porto - highlighting in both the distributive capacity with access to a network and specialised knowledge and the cooperation between the various actors of the city's talent ecosystem.
The president of the jury, Alberto Castro, highlighted the importance of cities and the production of applied scientific knowledge that can contribute to answer the real challenges and problems faced by cities.
Praising the initiative of Porto City Council, the professor of the Faculty of Economics and Management of the Catholic University of Porto believes that this award will contribute to the elaboration of works applied to the city, which may serve as support and inspiration for decision making, either in the resolution of problems or in the implementation of new measures, thus strengthening the relationship between academia and civil society.
The award also attributed two honourable mentions to the dissertations "City Branding and Innovation: The Role of Local Branding in the Development of the Innovation Ecosystem of Asprela (Porto)", by Ivo André Calheiros Maia Pereira (Master in Economics and Innovation Management) and "Co-creation in Place Branding: The Element Community in Mercado Temporário do Bolhão Brand", by Miguel Martim Rodrigues Leal (Master in Management), both from FEP.
This award is promoted by Porto City Council in order to contribute to a better knowledge of the city's economy and, thus, help to develop public policies that improve the economic fabric and the quality of life of the people of Porto.
The works were evaluated according to their social and economic relevance; originality, relevance and scientific qualities; but also by the transferability and applicability capacity and the clarity and quality of the writing.
Besides Alberto Castro and the town councillor Ricardo Valente himself, the jury of the Porto Economics Prize was composed of Isabel Mota, professor at FEP, Nuno Torres, from the Portuguese Business Association, António Manuel Cunha, from the Order of Economists - North, Carlos Brito, vice-rector of Universidade Portucalense, and Elizabeth Real de Oliveira, director of the Faculty of Economics and Business Sciences of Universidade Lusíada do Porto.