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Foreigners can now apply for Portuguese visas on the internet

Foreigners can now apply for Portuguese visas on the internet
ECO Economia Online · 06 Mar 2020

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has simplified the procedures for visa applications to Portugal. Foreign citizens can now complete the entire process over the internet, on the new e-Visa platform, available in Portuguese, English, French, Ukrainian and Russian.

"With the introduction of e-Visa, visa applications and the submission of the necessary documents for processing the application are now able to be made electronically,” announced in a statement the Secretary of State for Portuguese Communities.

Among the new features is the possibility for applicants to check the status of applications at any time. The various phases include "registered application”, "application under analysis”, "application granted or rejected” and "visa issued”.

This way the Government centralizes visa applications and the submission of documents on a platform, which "will continue to be developed with a view to including, in the future, the possibility of paying the administrative fee for processing the application”, concludes the note.