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German software company consolidates presence in the city

German software company consolidates presence in the city
Porto. · 22 Jun 2022
German remote control software company TeamViewer has extended its presence in Porto by opening a new office in the industrial area. The new innovation space of the technology can accommodate more than 70 professionals and state-of-the-art equipment.

The new space was inaugurated on Tuesday, June 21, in a ceremony attended by the vice-president of Porto City Hall and councilman for Environment and Climate Transition, Filipe Araújo, the councilman in charge of Economy, Employment and Entrepreneurship, Ricardo Valente, and the technical director of the multinational, Mike Eissele.

The vice president of the Porto municipality stressed that "the coming of TeamViewer to Porto is a perfect match with our strategy for the city, in terms of promoting a robust and dynamic ecosystem of companies. "We have invested heavily in promoting the quality of life in the city and it is clear that Porto is now a vibrant and cosmopolitan city, with talent of enormous quality and, as such, a fantastic pole of attraction for companies from around the world," said Filipe Araújo.

From Invicta, the company will continue its work in the search for solutions in the areas of augmented reality (AR) and internet of things (IoT). After having acquired Hapibot Studio, the Porto-based software development agency, TeamViewer, which debuts next season as the sponsor of the Manchester United (England) football team shirts, doubles its research and development (R&D) hub.

TeamViewer is a leading, global provider of remote connectivity and digital solutions for a range of devices from laptops and mobile phones to industrial machines and robots. Headquartered in Germany, it employs more than 1,300 people worldwide and closed 2020 with a turnover of €460 million.