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LIV Student Porto: Spanish venture capital fund opens first project in Portugal

LIV Student Porto: Spanish venture capital fund opens first project in Portugal
Diário Imobiliário · 02 Sep 2021

The residence LIV Student Porto - Pólo Universitário is located in the middle of the university area, next to the metro station with the same name and very close to several faculties of the University of Porto. It has 470 beds, in 423 rooms spread over 16 floors and four types of accommodation – single or double studio and single or double room in a shared apartment, all with private bathroom. It also has rooms and facilities adapted for people with reduced mobility.

The residence is managed by the Valeo Management branch of Valeo Groupe.

VStudent is a Spanish venture capital fund, promoted by Bankinter, Valeo Groupe, and Plenium Partners, the three representatives on its governing bodies and its main co-investors, together with a large number of Bankinter's investor clients. It currently has five projects under development (+2,800 beds) in cities such as Seville, Barcelona and Granada, in addition to Porto.

At the opening of LIV Student Porto – Pólo Universitário, were representatives of the companies participating in this project, Bankinter, represented by Alberto Ramos, Country Manager of Bankinter Portugal and Iñigo Guerra, General Director of Bankinter Investment, Plenium Partners, by Juan Ignacio Martí Junco and Iñigo Gortazar, and the General Director of Grupo Valeo for the Iberian Peninsula, Ignacio Bilbao. Bankinter investors and clients were also present at the event, as well as all the professional teams involved in the project, the construction company, Valeo architects, engineers, lawyers, and management teams, as well as the executive management of LIV Student residence.