Metro do Porto had the highest demand ever in 2016 and will expand its network

13 Feb 2017
Metro do Porto closed the year 2016 with the highest demand ever, having carried more than 58 million customers. With a growth of 0.4 percent compared to 2015, this is the 13th growth year of Metro do Porto in 14 years of commercial operation.
The more than 58 million passengers from last year represent a new historical peak of demand, with the best months being May and October (more than 5.3 million validations each), and with August being the month with fewer customers. Still, a record never before achieved of 3.9 million.
In addition, after several years without works on the Metro system, it was announced the expansion of the network through several new lines, to be developed in the municipalities of Porto, Vila Nova de Gaia, Gondomar and Maia.