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Porto celebrates the city's tech community with a series of events

The city will host more than 10 events between October 16 and 31 that will bring together the local tech community with entrepreneurs and investors. "Porto Tech" is the name of the initiative that presents the city of Porto as a technological hub.

Porto celebrates the city's tech community with a series of events
16 Oct 2023
To promote the city of Porto as a leading technological hub in Portugal, Porto has just launched "Porto Tech". Associated with this initiative, the city will be the stage for different activities, from workshops to conferences and hackathons, which will bring together players from the local and international technological and entrepreneurial ecosystem. Around four thousand people are expected for two weeks - between October 16 and 31 - at more than 10 events associated with Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain, Deeptech, and Startups.

Porto Tech is a way of celebrating the technological communities that reside in the city. For Ricardo Valente, Councillor for the Economy, Employment, and Entrepreneurship, "Porto is increasingly recognized as a technological hub, which attracts the development of activities by national and international entities. Through Porto Tech we want to boost these communities, promoting networking and the development of practical skills."

The different Porto Tech events, including the NDC Porto, the Porto Tech Hub conference, projects from the University of Porto, and a Hackathon by Portuguese Women in Tech, will be held in a city event at the Mouco Hotel on October 26. This activity will bring together the various players in the tech ecosystem to celebrate entrepreneurship, music, and the collaborative work of the tech communities.

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