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Porto voted one of the best cities in Europe in 2021 by the Condé Nast Traveler

Porto voted one of the best cities in Europe in 2021 by the Condé Nast Traveler
07 Oct 2021

Porto appears in second place on the ranking of the best cities in Europe 2021, a voting carried out by the readers of the respected magazine Condé Nast Traveler. It’s the only Portuguese city in the top 10.

The announcement was made on the bank holiday October 5 and it is now beginning to gain coverage. Porto, according to the publication itself, "dethrones the Portuguese capital city in this year’s list.”, as Lisbon descends to the 15th position on the list.

The score given to Porto by the voters reaches a remarkable 92.78, behind winner Istanbul (Turkey) that reached 93.67 points, that is to say, not even a full point from the Invicta.

The third position on the ranking belongs to San Sebastian (Spain), with 91.52 points.

Overall, the evaluation observed criteria such as the outstanding gastronomy, the hotel offer with high standards of service and quality, the hospitality of the locals, as well as the historical tradition of each city.

More than 800 thousand readers throughout the world contributed to the 34th year edition of the Reader’s Choice Awards of Condé Nast Traveller (CNT), answering the questionnaire on several parameters in multiple scales.

In fact, in the year that Porto is the vice-champion among the European cities, also Portugal wins the award for best destination in the world.

In March of the current year, Porto was also voted by CNT as one of the best destinations for private travellers, in addition, in 2020, it had already achieved the distinction of one of the friendliest cities in Europe.