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Portugal is among the top destinations for startup talents

According to the OECD, Portugal holds the 6th position as a top destination in terms of attractiveness for potential startup founders.

Portugal is among the top destinations for startup talents
AICEP · 13 Oct 2023
Portugal shows advantages such as tax incentives for R&D, a robust skills environment, living costs, high scores in the "Future prospects" and "Inclusiveness" dimensions, and startup visa programs as part of the migration policy landscape.

According to OECD's "Migration and Policy Debates" published in March, OECD countries have seen a growing interest in attracting foreign entrepreneurs. This interest promotes innovation, job creation, and increased competitiveness in the globalised knowledge economy. 


Despite being disadvantaged in the quality of opportunities dimensions with a limited number of billion-dollar companies, Portugal's position in this rank is boosted by the country's tax incentives for Research and Development (R&D), low living costs, and a strong skills environment. Additionally, startup visa programs, now part of the migration policy, boost the country's ranking.


The top-ten ranking includes smaller European economies, such as Ireland, Portugal, and Sweden, ranked 5th, 6th, and 7th place, respectively. 


According to the study, these countries are "too small to compete with the top countries in the ranking regarding the size of the startup ecosystem". Nonetheless, they "offer other advantages to international startup founders."

Know more here.