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Road to Hackacity 2023 starts in early November

Before the big event that brings together the technology and data analysis community to address the challenges facing the city of Porto, experts in these areas will meet on November 9 and 16 for the "Road to Hackacity".

Road to Hackacity 2023 starts in early November
porto. · 23 Oct 2023

The aim is to promote a meeting between participants - peers and mentors - but anyone who isn't going to attend Hackacity is also welcome. Registration for the preparation sessions for the sixth edition of the event, which will take place at UPTEC, is free and ends on November 1st.

The best performances by participants who take part in the two stages of the "Road to Hackacity" will be rewarded with vouchers worth up to 150 euros (however, it is possible to take part in just one meeting).

These meetings will serve to prepare the theme of the sixth edition of Hackacity, creating moments of networking, knowledge sharing, and learning with the team of mentors.

The Estádio do Dragão is once again the venue chosen to host the initiative organized by the Municipality of Porto through Porto Digital. The hackathon, which uses Porto's urban platform and data to respond to the major challenges facing the city of Porto, is scheduled for November 24.

The technology, innovation, and data analysis community can register on the Hackacity page. In the last edition, around 120 people took part in the initiative, which was attended by around 70 data scientists and software engineers from the academic and corporate spheres.