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Seminar “Create and Develop a Start-up in Portugal”

Seminar “Create and Develop a Start-up in Portugal”
16 May 2018
The Portuguese-French Chamber of Industry and Commerce, with the collaboration with French Tech Lisbon, hosted the Seminar "Create and Develop a Start-up in Portugal”. The event took place on May 16th, at the Hotel Crowne Plaza, in Porto. The event aimed at enlightening the participants on the methods for the creation of start-ups in Portugal, as well as their opportunities.

According to Jason Nadal, Responsible for the Development of Companies at Microsoft, Portugal offers an incredibly dynamic and friendly context for the development of start-ups. The sectors of software solutions, business analytics and health take on the first places, followed by education, services rendered to companies and tourism. Porto recently became the geographical area where there are more start-ups, with a rate of 36% in the set of companies.

The opening of the Seminar was done by the Councillor for Economy, Tourism and Commerce, Ricardo Valente.
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