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Zühlke invests 4 million euros in a new office in Porto to welcome diversity and increase its team

Zühlke, a technology consultancy specializing in software engineering services for international projects, has opened a new 1,000 m2 office in the Tranquilidade Building, the office is designed to be more inclusive and to double its team by the beginning of 2024.

Zühlke invests 4 million euros in a new office in Porto to welcome diversity and increase its team
Photos: Igor de Aboim, Andreia Merca · 22 Sep 2023

Zühlke's new office has been designed to foster the working models of the future, based on agility, interaction, and adaptability, while also creating more access conditions for all technology specialists. The new Global Engineering Center, next to the Palácio de Cristal gardens, includes flexible workspaces in line with the company's hybrid work regime, which also includes a 4-day week, individual conference booths, and accessible circulation areas for people with reduced mobility, as well as an Innovation Lab for Devices.

From Portugal, the technology consultancy designs end-to-end software solutions for clients in various sectors, such as insurance, telecommunications, retail, or consumer goods.

"The diversity and quality of talent in Porto was one of the reasons why the group chose the city to open the Engineering Center two years ago. Now, the opening of this new office is a reinforcement of our commitment to our employees and customers, opening up the opportunity to welcome more and more technology specialists, promote more equitable access to opportunities in the area, and create the best conditions for us to continue developing quality solutions and products for customers around the world," says Mariana Figueiredo Salvaterra, General Manager of Zühlke in Portugal and Director of Software Excellence at the Global Engineering Centers.

Integrating the Portuguese identity with Zühlke's international character, the office includes elements characteristic of both cultures to accommodate the profiles, origins, and backgrounds of all employees and cultivate sharing and collaboration between all. At the same time, Zühlke continues to foster an organizational culture marked by flexible working hours, continuous training, and career development opportunities for all employees.

Ricardo Valente asserts, "such a significant investment in an office, the increase in the number of people working in this software development center in the city, are Zühlke's recognition that Porto is now a relevant economic center, capable of attracting international talent and retaining the excellent human capital trained in the region's academy."