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Boehringer Ingelheim and Misericórdia do Porto present new project

Boehringer Ingelheim and Misericórdia do Porto present new project
CCILA Portugal · 14 May 2021
Boehringer Ingelheim Healthcare Management and Misericórdia do Porto present an innovative project in Portugal, that provides an effective rehabilitation of stroke patients, thus creating CONSANAS Prelada Hospital.

The partnership combines Prelada Hospital's high and proven experience of rehabilitation of stroke patients with the innovation and operational excellence of Boehringer Ingelheim Healthcare Management, by transferring the best concepts of German rehabilitation.

The assistance response provided by CONSANAS Hospital da Prelada is distinguished by a therapeutic plan supported by prognosis, in which the focus is based on realistic and achievable objectives and the short-term results (40 to 60 days), bring direct benefits to patients, family members, the National Health Service, financing entities for better care provision, and society in general.

CONSANAS Prelada Hospital has been in operation since the end of September 2019, but the pandemic context that the country and the world are experiencing prevented the official opening, previously scheduled for spring 2020.

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