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Companies and job seekers meet face to face in another Speed Recruitment

Companies and job seekers meet face to face in another Speed Recruitment
22 Nov 2021
The initiative of networking, professional marketing and recruitment will take place in a hybrid format (face-to-face and online).

The 14th edition of Speed Recruitment, to be held this Thursday, November 25, from 9 am to 6 pm, puts once again companies and job seekers face to face.

The initiative promoted by Porto City Hall, through the project Cidade das Profissões, will combine the face-to-face and online dimensions, in an already known format: job seekers have the opportunity to introduce themselves to national reference companies, but also to submit applications to the available ads.

The presential part of Speed Recruitment consists of a meeting between companies and job seekers, in five-minute interviews taking place at Alfândega Congress Center.

Through an online platform, job seekers will also have the possibility to visit the virtual stand of more than 25 companies, submit their application to the available ads, participate in public presentation sessions of the companies and take part in remote job interviews.

Registration is free but mandatory, and for job seekers, it can be done at For more information, contact the e-mail or the telephone 223 392 360.