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Municipality wants to support ANJE in intervention program for micro and small businesses in the city

Municipality wants to support ANJE in intervention program for micro and small businesses in the city
18 Nov 2020
In view of the effects caused in the economic fabric by the pandemic, the Municipality of Porto identifies the need to support "measures that are supplementary and complementary in order to guarantee that the recovery, reinvention is carried out in a sustainable and inclusive way", says the proposal that will be voted on November 23rd, signed by the city councilor for Economy, Tourism, and Commerce, Ricardo Valente.

The program that will be the object of analysis is operationalized by ANJE, an association that has "unrivaled knowledge of the Porto business ecosystem", says the support proponent, who points out the financing of 50 thousand euros for the execution of the training plan.

Right from the start, because, according to the proposal, it aims to enable small and micro-enterprises to recover and resilience, through tools that boost the digital transition, new models of work management and organization, innovation and trends, and soft skills to better deal with the crisis. In addition, the "Intervention Program for Micro and Small Enterprises in the City of Porto" includes the intervention of a digital accelerator and specialized support for the creation of one's own job.

The training of economic agents is, for the Executive of Rui Moreira, one of the core areas in which public and private agents must bet in a scenario of deep crisis, "since it is an essential tool to face the difficulties and challenges emerging in the context current, in order to better prepare the city's economic fabric for the future".

In this sense, ANJE's intervention program meets this identified need, since it frames training as the central axis of the initiative, which "will follow an active training methodology based on the exploration and practical application of the concepts to the business cases of the participants", further advances the document signed by Ricardo Valente.

Founded in 1986, ANJE has, to date, a total of 225 incubated companies and more than 850 companies launched through its support structure, which includes several training programs for young entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs, totaling more than 900,000 hours of training given in 3,000 courses.

This is another extraordinary support that Porto City Council adds to those it has already launched on its own motto, with a significant impact on the municipal budget. In the next year, the municipality intends to exempt all city economic agents from municipal taxes, which results in a loss of revenue of around 315 thousand euros.