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Porto. Economy Award wants to distinguish academic works applied to the city's economy

Porto. Economy Award wants to distinguish academic works applied to the city's economy
30 Nov 2020
The Municipality launches the 1st edition of the Porto. Economy Award, together with other academic and associative partners, within the scope of its activity to encourage the economic development of the city. Applications are now open.

The Porto. Economy Award aims to stimulate research on material issues for the economy of Porto, namely strategies for economic development, investment attraction, attracting and maintaining talent, competitiveness, knowledge and innovation networks, entrepreneurship, and economic diplomacy.

The winning entry will be awarded a prize of 1,500 euros, with two additional honorable mentions of 500 euros.

In this first edition, works developed over the last three academic years (2017/2018, 2018/2019, 2019/2020), in addition to the current academic year (2020/2021), in both Portuguese or English will be eligible.

Besides the Municipality, the jury is formed by a group of academic and associative entities of reference in Porto, namely the Business Association of Portugal, the Economists Order - North, Catholic University of Portugal - Faculty of Economics and Management, University of Porto - Faculty of Economics, Universidade Lusíada - Porto and Universidade Portucalense Infante D. Henrique.

The application deadline is September 30th, 2021, and must be submitted to the e-mail address

The Regulation of the initiative containing the evaluation criteria defined by the jury, as well as all information about the Porto. Economy Award. can be consulted on the institutional website of Porto City Council. Any queries should be addressed to
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