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Ryanair admits installing training centre in Porto

Ryanair admits installing training centre in Porto
ECO · 07 Sep 2022
The airline wants to open a new training centre for pilots and cabin crew in the Iberian Peninsula and has admitted that Porto is one of the possibilities under consideration.

Ryanair wants to open a new training centre for pilots and cabin crew in the Iberian Peninsula and admitted that Porto is one of the hypotheses under consideration, advanced the chief executive, Michael O'Leary.

"We are interested in opening a training centre in Iberia. [...] It would be very good for us to have a training centre [on the Iberian Peninsula], but we are talking about Porto, not Lisbon," the Irish airline's leader said at a meeting with journalists at Ryanair's premises in Dublin.

He admitted that Porto was on the table as the airline has a significant operation at Francisco Sá Carneiro Airport. The location has not yet been decided, but the decision is expected to be announced later this year.