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The quality of English as a second language makes Porto the best speaking city in Portugal and the 9th in the world

The quality of English as a second language makes Porto the best speaking city in Portugal and the 9th in the world
25 Nov 2020

Porto features the highest proficiency in English at national level, for the second year running, according to an EF- Education First study that discloses Porto not only as the best English speaking city in the country but also the 9th best in the world.

The EF English Proficiency Index 2020 Report that analysed data from 2.2 million non-native speakers of the English language, in 100 countries and regions, spotlighted Porto as "Very High Proficiency” in a list that is led by cities such as Copenhagen, Amsterdam and Helsinki.

At national level, comparing to last year, Lisbon declined in the ranking; last year, it featured first at national level, and this year it ranks fourth, below Coimbra, Braga, second and third in the ranking, respectively.

Porto, in turn, jumped up in the ranking, and now ranks first place, for the second year running, having improved by eight places.

Portugal ranks 7th in a list of countries that has Holland, Denmark and Finland in podium places, 1st, 2nd and 3rd, respectively, followed by Sweden (4th), Norway (5th) and Austria (6th).

This is Portugal’s best score ever in this ranking, as it entered the circumscribed list of "English Highest proficiency countries” for the first time last year.

In Southern Europe, as the data shows, Portuguese are the best to speak English, with Greece ranking 21st, France ranks 28th, Italy occupies the 30th position and Spain the 34th place.

The report also correlates the proficiency of English speaking and talent attraction. In fact, being able to speak English as a second language is currently not only a benefit, but rather a professional requisite, and most times crucial when applying for a job. Besides, the highest the proficiency level in speaking English, the greater the openness and tolerance in countries and cities, the study also shows.

The countries that occupy the last positions in this ranking are Oman (98th), Iraq (99th) and Tajikistan (100th).