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Volkswagen's new technology hub arrives in Porto

Volkswagen's new technology hub arrives in Porto
Idealista · 25 Mar 2022
Lionesa Business Hub office complex is the new home of Porto Application Center (PAC) by Volkswagen Financial Services (VWFS). The technology hub will occupy 1,100 square metres (m2) and is in an active recruitment period to increase the operations team in Porto. VWFS' focus is to attract a diverse group of professionals, looking to recruit 130 people in various areas by the end of 2022.

The offices are designed "to meet the needs of employees and is equipped with innovative technology and ergonomic furniture taking into consideration the health and well-being of all," reads the statement sent to newsrooms. Captivated by Porto's strategic location and access to a qualified workforce, Volkswagen Financial Services "intends to be a fundamental pillar and contribute to the growth of the entire organisation, in Porto over the years".

Porto is an "excellent opportunity"

"Our company is undergoing a profound transformation as we move to a fully digital world and PAC by VWFS is one of our investments for the future. PAC by VWFS takes responsibility for an essential part of our tencology. We felt that the Porto area presented an excellent opportunity to set up in a place with a strong digital workforce," explained Francis Dupuis and Rene Theuns, responsible for PAC by VWFS.

"We consider the cultural aspect of the Lyon community to be an added value, due to the meetings they promote and in which they involve the teams, which is in line with our own culture. We have great expectations for our implementation in Portugal", they add.

Currently, Lionesa Business Hub, located in Leça do Balio, Matosinhos, has around 56,000 m2 and is developing an expansion to 110,000 m2, as idealista/news reported. It hosts companies such as Oracle, Farfetch, Vestas, Volkswagen, Cofco, Klockner Pentaplast, Generix and Hilti.