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Acceleration Business Program, the first project of APD Portugal and Nova SBE

Acceleration Business Program, the first project of APD Portugal and Nova SBE
17 Sep 2020
APD Portugal and Nova SBE have been designing Advanced and Specialized Training actions for managers and Company CEOs.

As a first project, the Association for the Progress of Business Management (APD) and Nova SBE Executive Education present the Acceleration Business Program, which aims to enhance the creation of competitive advantages.

The Acceleration Business Program was designed to expand and reinforce key competencies of leaders and managers in key areas of management and strategy, which allows them to approach strategically, challenging the acceleration of the business and the creation of competitive advantages. The program designed with cross-sectoral strategic potential will be an asset in addressing the challenges of the vast majority of businesses, taking the opportunity to align the strengthening of strategic management skills with the facilitation for taking action through advisory and business coaching sessions. The program, therefore, takes an innovative approach, combining 3 components of learning, facilitation, and alignment:
  1. Executive training modules to strengthen competencies in key management areas;
  2. Business Coaching Sessions to address your company's strategic challenges;
  3. Executive Advisory sessions to align your company's acceleration journey. 
The economic recovery depends on strong partnerships and the collaborative definition of strategic actions.

If the referred program makes sense for your organization, APD Portugal and Nova SBE Executive Education invite you to participate in an interactive online session with leaders of organizations and experts in the themes of agility, adaptability, and strategy, in order to identify the main lines of action for (re) accelerating business in post-COVID. The online session will also have the purpose of presenting the program and will take place on September 17th, from 5 pm to 6 pm.


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