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German ENERCON creates 150 jobs in Porto

German ENERCON creates 150 jobs in Porto
Jornal de Notícias · 10 Dec 2021
The German group ENERCON announced this Thursday the creation of 150 jobs through a new investment in Porto. The wind energy giant, which has factories in two business parks in Viana do Castelo, is preparing to open a "Business Shared Service Center" in 2022 in the Porto Office Park - POP building in Boavista.

According to a statement released by ENERCON, this is a reinforcement of the group's presence in Portugal, to "diversify its locations and get closer to a more varied labor market, also betting on greater proximity to its main customers, partnerships with University Campuses and various entities linked to the development of projects in the area of Wind Energy”.

For now, the company is recruiting "to form a team of about 130 people, mostly in the areas of Finance, Wind Farm Engineering, Research & Development, Global Procurement, IT, Logistics, Project Management, Sales and After-Sales". The operation "began in the summer of this year and will continue through the year 2022".

Market leader, "with 52% of the wind power installed in Portugal", ENERCON, a German company that manufactures wind turbines, already has about 1500 employees in the business parks of Praia Norte and Lanheses, in Viana do Castelo, and in several Service Stations throughout the country for the maintenance and support to wind farms.

The inauguration of the new space, which in total "will have the capacity for 150 qualified jobs", is scheduled for "the beginning of the second half of 2022".
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