Porto Business School in the top business schools

Porto Business School rose again in the Financial Times’ Executive Education ranking, which evaluates the best executive training in the world, climbing six positions in the category custom programs (Customized Training for Executives), to 58th, and reaching the 75th position in open programs (open training). In the ranking since 2011, the Business School of the University of Porto has climbed nine positions in this list from 2018 to 2019.
Among the criteria in which Porto Business School achieved a better score, "the use of contemporary and adapted teaching methods stands out, the quality of the teaching staff, as well as customer satisfaction and the probability that the customer will reuse the same school for other personalized programs in the future ”, justifies the institution.
In the last ranking, released in December 2019, referring to the best European schools, Porto Business School added new achievements, with the rise registered in its Executive MBA program.
"Despite the new challenges that each year brings us, we want more achievements to continue on our path", reacts Ramon O'Callaghan, Dean of Porto Business School. "Starting the year with these results gives us even more motivation to continue to innovate, with disruptive programs, that meet the needs of those who seek us”, he says.
The Financial Times annually publishes seven rankings divided by the categories of MBA, EMBA, Masters in finance, Masters in Management and online MBA programs, as well as executive training programs. Like these, at the end of the year it also launches a list of the best European business schools. The programs are evaluated according to a set of criteria, which include the average salary achieved after training, the cost-benefit ratio and the latest ranking by the Financial Times. The purpose of these rankings is to showcase the best training available on the market, especially for those who want to invest in their training and improve their management skills.