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University of Porto master's degrees among the best in the world

Four master's degrees from the Faculty of Economics of the University of Porto (FEP) are among the best in the world, according to the Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) ranking.

University of Porto master's degrees among the best in the world
eco · 20 Oct 2023

"The Faculty of Economics of the University of Porto stands out in the QS world ranking with its master's degree in Marketing (91-100th), its master's degree in Management (101-110th), its master's degree in Modeling, Data Analysis, and Decision Support Systems (101st) and its master's degree in Finance (111-120th)," the school announced.


It's important to explain that the rankings in this table are based on five main criteria: employability, positions held by alumni, diversity of students and teaching staff, thought leadership (academic reputation, scientific productivity, among others), value for money (cost of the master's degree, salary of graduates, among others).


Each year, this global ranking is developed by the British consultancy Quacquarelli Symonds (QS), based on the perspectives of more than 61,000 employers and 48,000 academics.


In view of the results obtained in this year's edition, the director of the Faculty of Economics at the University of Porto, Óscar Afonso, emphasizes: "the fact that we have achieved an outstanding position in the QS rankings in recent years is testimony to our commitment to excellence. We are determined to continue shaping and preparing the leading economists and managers of tomorrow."